








  • 2014.06—2019.06 西南大学农业资源与环境专业学习,获农学博士学位;

  • 2016.09—2018.09 加拿大曼尼托巴大学地球观测科学中心(CEOSCSC博士研究生联合培养;

  • 2012.09—2014.06 西南大学环境工程专业(转博)

  • 2008.09—2012.06 兰州财经大学资源环境与城乡规划管理专业学习,获理学学士学位

  • 2023.09—至今 四川农业大学,特聘副教授;

  • 2020.06—2023.08 中国科学院地球化学研究所,环境地球化学国家重点实验室,博士后;

     .2019.07—2020.06 西南大学资源环境学院天然有机质环境效应实验室,科研助理。

  • 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目42477422),2025-2028,主持;

  • 国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目42107442),2022-2024,主持;

  • 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2024M762268),2024-2026,主持;

  • 国家资助博士后研究人员计划项目(C档)(GZC20231861),2023-2025,主持;

  • 四川省科技厅科技计划青年项目(24NSFSC5096),2024-2026,主持;

  • 贵州省科技厅基础研究计划(自然科学类)项目,2023-2025,主持;

  • 自然资源部成都平原国土生态与土地利用野外科学观测研究站开放课题,2024-2026,主持;

  • 四川农业大学人才引进项目,2023-2027,主持;

  • 西南大学中央高校基本科研业务费学生项目(XDJK2016D064),2016-2017年,主持,已结题。

  • 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目42277248),2023-2026参与

  • 国家自然科学基金委地区科学基金项目42163009),2022-2024参与。


  • Liu J., Chen J., Poulain A.J., Pu Q., Hao Z.D., Meng B*., Feng X.B., (2023) Mercury and sulfur redox cycling affect methylmercury levels in rice paddy soils across a contamination gradient. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 8149–8160. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c02676 (Nature Index)

  • Liu J., Zhao L.*, Kong K., Abdelhafiz M., Tian S.Y., Jiang T., Meng B.*, Feng X.B., (2022) Uncovering geochemical fractionation of the newly deposited Hg in paddy soil using a stable isotope tracer. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433, 128752. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128752

  • Liu J., Lu B., Poulain A. J., Zhang R., Zhang T., Feng X.B., Meng B.* (2022) The underappreciated role of natural organic matter bond Hg(II) and nanoparticulate HgS as substrates for methylation in paddy soils across a Hg concentration gradient. Environmental Pollution 112075. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118321

  • Liu J., Meng B.*, Poulain A. J., Meng Q., Feng X.B.* (2021) Stable isotope tracers identify sources and transformations of mercury in rice (Oryza sativa L.) growing in a mercury mining area. Fundamental Research 1, 259–268. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2021.04.003

  • Liu J., Liang J., Bravo A.G., Wei S., Yang C., Wang D.Y., Jiang T.* (2021) Anaerobic and aerobic biodegradation of soil-extracted dissolved organic matter from the water-level-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China. Science of the Total Environment 764, 142857. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142857

  • Liu J., Jiang T., Wang F.Y*, Zhang J.Z*, Wang D.Y., Huang R., Yin D., Liu Z. and Wang J. (2018) Inorganic sulfur and mercury speciation in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: The role of inorganic reduced sulfur on mercury methylation. Environmental Pollution 237, 1112–1123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.045

  • Liu J., Wang D.Y., Zhang J.Z., Liem-Nguyen V., Huang R., Jiang T.* (2020) Evaluation of Hg methylation in the water-level-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir region by using the MeHg/HgT ratio. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 195, 110468. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110468

  • Liu J., Jiang T., Huang R., Wang D.Y., Zhang J.Z.* (2017) A simulation study of inorganic sulfur cycling in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China and the implications for mercury methylation. Chemosphere 166, 31–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.09.079

  • Liu J., Jiang T.*, Kothawala D.N., Wang Q., Zhao Z., Wang D.Y., Mu Z.J. (2019) Rice-paddy field acts as a buffer system to decrease the terrestrial characteristics of dissolved organic matter exported from a typical small agricultural watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Environment Science and Pollution Research 26, 23873–23885. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05702-0

  • Liu J., Huang H., Huang R., Zhang J., Hao S., Shen Y., Chen H.* (2016) Mechanisms of CPB Modified Zeolite on Mercury Adsorption in Simulated Wastewater. Water Environment Research 88, 490–499. https://doi.org/10.2175/106143016X14504669767850

  • Chen J#., Hu G#., Liu J#., Poulain A.J., Pu Q., Huang R., Meng B*., Feng X.B., (2023) The divergent effects of nitrate and ammonium application on mercury methylation, demethylation, and reduction in flooded paddy slurries. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460, 132457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132457

  • 刘江,江韬*,黄容,张进忠,陈宏*2016. 小分子有机酸对紫色土及其溶液中Pb的赋存影响. 环境科学, 37(4), 1523-1530.

  • 刘江,白雪,黄京晶,易建婷,陈宏*2014. 小分子有机酸对紫色土中Pb的活化机理研究. 水土保持学报,28(6)309-313,324.

  • 陆本琦, 刘江*, 吕文强, 黎珊, 冯新斌, 孟博,2021. 汞矿区稻田土壤汞形态分布特征及对甲基化的影响. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 40(3).


  • Zhang K., Pu Q., Liu J., Hao Z.D., Zhang L.J., Zhang L.M., Fu X.W., Meng B*., Feng X.B., 2024. Using mercury stable isotopes to quantify directional soil–atmosphere Hg(0) exchanges in rice paddy ecosystems: Implications for Hg(0) emissions to the atmosphere from land surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 25, 11053-11062. (Nature Index)

  • Pu Q., Zhang K., Liu J., Zhang Q., Abdelhafiz M.A., Meng B*., Feng X.B. 2024. Key active mercury methylating microorganisms and their synergistic effects on methylmercury production in paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 480, 136481.

  • Zhang Q., Pu Q., Hao Z., Liu J., Zhang K., Meng B*., Feng X.B., 2024. Warming inhibits HgII methylation but stimulates methylmercury demethylation in paddy soils. Science of the Total Environment 930, 172832.

  • Deng O., Chen Y., Zhao J., Li X., Zhou W., Lan T., Ou D., Zhang Y., Liu J., Luo L., He Y., Yang H., Huang R*., 2024. Response patterns of moss to atmospheric nitrogen deposition and nitrogen saturation in an urban – agro – forest transition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2010, 5303–5314.

  • He Y., Chen Y., Liu J., Huang R., Lan T., Gao X., Deng O., 2024. Shifts in nitrogen deposition across an urban-rural-forest gradient. Earth Critical Zone 1, 100012.

  • Huang R., Li Z., Xiao Y., Liu J., Jiang T*., Deng O., Tang X., Wu Y., Tao Q., Li Q., Luo Y., Gao X., Wang C., Li B*., 2024. Composition of DOM along the depth gradients in the paddy field treated with crop straw for 10 years. Journal of Environmental Management 353, 120084.

  • Wu, Z., Li, Z., Shao, B., Chen, J., Cui, X. M., Cui, X.Y., Liu, X., Zhao, Y.X., Pu, Q., Liu, J., He, W., Liu, Y.W., Liu, Y.R., Wang, X., Meng, B*., Tong, Y*., 2024. Differential response of Hg-methylating and MeHg-demethylating microbiomes to dissolved organic matter components in eutrophic lake water. Journal of Hazardous Materials 465, 133298

  • Hao, Z., Zhao, L., Liu, J., Pu, Q., Chen, J., Meng, B*., Feng, X., 2024. Relative importance of aceticlastic methanogens and hydrogenotrophic methanogens on mercury methylation and methylmercury demethylation in paddy soils. Science of the Total Environment 906, 167601.

  • Zhang R., Aris-brosou S., Storck V., Liu J., Abdelhafiz M.A., Feng X.B., Meng, B*., Poulain, A.J*., (2023). Mining-impacted rice paddies select for Archaeal methylators and reveal a putative (Archaeal) regulator of mercury methylation. ISME Communications 3, 74.

  • Abdelhafiz M.A., Liu J., Jiang T., Pu Q., Wajahat M., Zhang K., Meng B*., Feng X.B. (2023). DOM influences Hg methylation in paddy soils across a Hg contamination gradient. Environmental Pollution 322, 121237.

  • Li X., Zhou M., Shi F., Meng B., Liu J., Mi Y., Dong C., Su H., Liu X., Wang F., Wei Y*. (2023). Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on mercury accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.): From enriched isotope tracing perspective. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 255, 114776.

  • Deng O.P., Ran J.Y., Gao X.S., Lin X.J., Lan T., Luo L*., Xiong YL., Liu J., Ou D.H., Fei J.B., Huang R. (2023). CH4 and CO2 emissions in water networks of rice cultivation regions. Environmental Research 218, 115041.

  • Chen Y.Y., Liu J., Ran J.Y., Huang R., Gao X.S., Zhou W., Lan T., Ou D.H., He Y., Xiong Y.L., Luo L., Wang L., Deng O.P*. (2022). Fluxes, patterns and sources of phosphorus deposition in an urban-rural transition region in Southwest China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22, 14813-14823.

  • Pu Q., Zhang K., Poulain A J., Liu J., Zhang R., Abdelhafiz M A., Meng B*., Feng X.B. (2022). Mercury drives microbial community assembly and ecosystem multifunctionality across a Hg contamination gradient in rice paddies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 435, 129055.

  • Zhang S., Wang M., Liu J., Tian S., Yang X., Xiao G., Xu G., Jiang T*., Wang D.Y. (2022). Biochar affects methylmercury production and bioaccumulation in paddy soils: Insights from soil-derived dissolved organic matter. Journal of Environmental Sciences 119, 68-77.

  • Wang Y., Liu J., Liem-Nguyen V., Tian S., Zhang SQ., Wang D.Y., Jiang T.* (2022) Binding strength of mercury (II) to different dissolved organic matter: The roles of DOM properties and sources. Science of the Total Environment 807, 150979.

  • Aslam M. W., Meng B.*, Abdelhafiz M. A., Liu J. and Feng X.B.* (2021) Unravelling the interactive effect of soil and atmospheric mercury influencing mercury distribution and accumulation in the soil-rice system. Science of the Total Environment 803, 149967.

  • Wang M., Liu J., Peng L., Tian S., Yang C., Xu G., Wang D.Y., Jiang T.* (2021) Estimation of the biogeochemical reactivities of dissolved organic matter from modified biochars using color. Science of the Total Environment 790, 147974.

  • Jiang, T.*, Wang, D.Y., Meng, B., Chi, J., Laudon, H., Liu J., 2020. The concentrations and characteristics of dissolved organic matter in high-latitude lakes determine its ambient reducing capacity. Water Research 169, 115217. (Nature Index)

  • Yin, D., Wang, Y., Xiang, Y., Xu, Q., Xie, Q., Zhang, C., Liu J., Wang, D.Y.* 2020. Production and migration of methylmercury in water-level- fluctuating zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: Dual roles of flooding-tolerant perennial herb. Journal of Hazardous Materials 381, 120962.

  • Jiang, T., Kaal, J., Liu J., Liang, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, D.Y* 2020. Linking the electron donation capacity to the molecular composition of soil dissolved organic matter from the Three Gorges Reservoir areas, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 90, 146–156.


  • 冯新斌,孟博. 汞矿区汞的污染过程及健康风险. 北京:科学出版社, 2024,参编;

  • Feng X.B., Wang J.X., Rinklebe J., Methylmercury Accumulation in Rice: Process and Regulation. CRC Press, 2024, 参编(Chapter 5 and Chapter 9


  • 期刊《Eco-Environment & Health》青年编委;

  • 期刊《土壤》青年编委;

  • 中国土壤学会会员

  • 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会会员。

  • 2016年博士研究生国家奖学金;

  • 2019年西南大学优秀博士学位论文。



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