研究方向:西南农田生态系统耕地质量保育及其环境效应, 具体包括(1)农田土壤固碳与有机质稳定化研究;(2)农田生态系统温室气体排放与碳中和研究;(3)农业废弃物资源化利用及其环境效应研究
承担课程: 《土壤肥料学》、《土壤改良学》、《土壤整治学》
2020年1月-2023年4月, 四川农业大学,讲师
Huang, R., Li, Z., Xiao, Y., Liu, J., Jiang, T., Deng, O., Tang, X., Wu, Y., Tao, Q., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Gao, X., Wang, C., Li, B. (2024). Composition of DOM along the depth gradients in the paddy field treated with crop straw for 10 years. Journal of Environmental Management, 353, 120084.
Huang, R., Wang, Z., Xiao, Y., Yu, L., Gao, X., Wang, C., Li, B., Tao, Q., Xu, Q., Gao, M. (2022). Increases in temperature response to CO2 emissions in biochar‑amended vegetable field soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Huang, R., Li, B., Chen, Y., Tao, Q., Xu, Q., Wen, D., Gao, X., Li, Q., Tang, X., Wang, C. (2022). Biochar application increases labile carbon and inorganic nitrogen supply in a continuous monocropping soil. Land, 11, 473.
Huang, R., Lan, T., Song, X., Li, J., Ling, J., Deng, O., Wang, C., Gao, X*., Li, Q., Tang, X., Tao, Q., Zeng, M. (2021). Soil labile organic carbon impacts C:N :P stoichiometry in urban park green spaces depending on vegetation types and time after planting. Applied Soil Ecology, 163, 103926.
Huang, R., Gao, X., Wang, F., Xu, G., Long, Y., Wang, C., Wang, Z*., Gao, M*. (2020). Effects of biochar incorporation and fertilizations on nitrogen and phosphorus losses through surface and subsurface flows in a sloping farmland of Entisol. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 300, 106988.
Huang, R., Wang, Y., Gao, X., Liu, J., Wang, Z*., Gao, M*. (2020). Nitrous oxide emission and the related denitrifier community: A short-term response to organic manure substituting chemical fertilizer. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 192, 110291.
Huang, R#., Wang, Y#., Liu, J., Gao, J., Zhang, Y., Ni, J., Xie, D., Wang, Z*., Gao, M*. (2020). Partial substitution of chemical fertilizer by organic materials changed the abundance, diversity, and activity of nirS-type denitrifying bacterial communities in a vegetable soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 152, 103589.
Huang, R., Liu, J., He, X., Xie, D., Ni, J., Xu, C., Zhang, Y., Ci, E., Wang, Z*., Gao, M*. (2020). Reduced mineral fertilization coupled with straw return in field mesocosm vegetable cultivation helps to coordinate greenhouse gas emissions and vegetable production. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 20, 1834–1845.
Huang, R., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Li, J., Xu, G., Luo, M., Xu, C., Ci, E*., Gao, M*. (2019). Variation in N2O emission and N2O related microbial functional genes in straw- and biochar-amended and non-amended soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 137, 57–68.
Huang, R., Liu, J., Wang, Z*., Gao, M*. (2019). Effects of different soil amendments application on soil aggregate stability and soil consistency under wetting and drying altered Planting System. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(18), 2263–2277.
Huang, R., Tian, D., Liu, J., Lv, S., He, X*., Gao, M*. (2018). Responses of soil carbon pool and soil aggregates associated organic carbon to straw and straw-derived biochar addition in a dryland cropping mesocosm system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 265, 576–586.
Huang, R., Lan, M., Liu, J., Gao, M*. (2017). Soil aggregate and organic carbon distribution at dry land soil and paddy soil: the role of different straws returning. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 27942–27952.
Huang, R., Gao, M*., Liu, J. (2017). Effects of soil conditioners on aggregate stability in a clay loam soil: a comparison study of biomass ash with other four conditioners. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(19), 2294–2313. (SCI收录)
Wang, Y#.,Huang, R#., Xu, G., Li, J., Wang, Z., Ci, E*., Gao, M*. (2020). Soil alkaline phosphatase activity and bacterial phoD gene abundance and diversity under regimes of inorganic fertilizer reduction with straw. Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02748-3.
黄容,谢一平,陈玉蓝,张宗锦,李冰,王昌全*. (2022). 水分条件对不同类型土壤氮矿化及酶活性的影响. 土壤, 54(5): 950–957
黄容,王永豪,王昌全*,石松柏,陈玉蓝,李冰,王勇.(2021).凉攀区植烟土壤酚酸类物质的含量分布和变异特征. 土壤, 53(4),794–801.
黄容,高明*,王蓥燕,黎嘉成,徐国鑫,罗梅,徐畅. (2019). 紫色土N2O排放及氨氧化微生物群落结构对玉米秸秆与化肥减量配施的响应. 环境科学, 40(1), 401–411.
黄容,高明*,黎嘉成,徐国鑫,吕盛,罗梅. (2018). 秸秆与化肥减量配施对菜地土壤温室气体排放的影响. 环境科学, 39(10), 4695–4704.
黄容,高明*,黎嘉成,徐国鑫,王富华,李娇,陈仕奇. (2018). 有机物料等氮量施用对紫色土氮形态及温室气体排放的影响. 中国农业科学, 51(21), 4087–4101.
黄容,高明*,吕盛,徐国鑫,黎嘉成. (2018). 锯木灰渣改良退化菜园紫色土壤的效果研究. 土壤学报, 55(3), 695–705.
黄容,高明*,万毅林,田冬,陶睿,王芳丽. (2016). 秸秆还田与化肥减量配施对稻-菜轮作下土壤养分及酶活性的影响. 环境科学, 37(11), 4446–4456.
黄容,高明*,叶夏伊,汪文强,刘彬彬,刘江,代文才. (2016). 莴笋-空心菜-莴笋种植模式下不同改良剂对退化土壤中植株养分利用的影响. 草业学报, 25(7), 148–157.
黄容,高明*,汪文强,刘彬彬,刘江. (2016). 不同改良剂对退化黄壤及其下渗水养分的影响. 土壤学报, 53(3), 103–114.
黄容,徐芊,高明*,余泺,代文才,叶夏伊. (2015).施用不同氮肥对砖红壤表面电化学性质的影响.西南大学学报(自然科学版), 37(11), 137–143.
黄容,高明*,廖燕妮,王丹,邓炜,叶夏依. (2014). 生物质灰渣与化肥混合对氨挥发的影响.土壤学报, 51(05), 1160–1167.
黄容,高明*,王子芳,余泺. (2014). 不同种类氮肥对紫色土表面电化学性质的影响.土壤学报, 51(04), 726–733.
黄容,高明*,廖燕妮.(2014). 不同生物质灰渣对磷的吸附解吸动力学特征.水土保持学报, 28(01), 156–160.
黄容,高瑗,高明*,廖燕妮,陈佳烨.(2013). 生物质灰渣物质特性和保水性的研究.水土保持学报, 27(06), 130–133.
黄容,万毅林,高明*.(2013). 种植年限对菜地土壤微生物生物量碳、氮及酶活性的影响.湖北农业科学, 52(20), 4903–4907.
代文才,高明,王子芳,黄容,倪九派. 一种土壤样品制备机, 中国发明专利,ZL201410088039.3。
2023年-至今,《Eco-Environment & Health》编委会青年编委